Training at public school at Padre Manjón in Spain, organized by ICCRAM -UBU

ICCRAM UBU organized training activities  at thepublic school Padre Manjón. During this event, children could enjoy and takepart on the following experiments:

-    Volcano:Sodium bicarbonate and vinegar erupt due to an acidic-basal reaction. Theacetic acid, which is a weak acid, reacts and neutralizes the sodiumbicarbonate (basal). The expelled carbon dioxide is a gas and is responsible ofthe sparkling during the “eruption”.

-     Potato: Thepart of Chemistry that studies transformations from chemical energy intoelectrical energy, and vice versa, is called “Electrochemistry”. This isexactly what occurs in this experiment. The electrical current produced out ofthe “potatoes battery” comes out of a chemical reaction that takes placebetween the anode (negative electrode, zinc) and the cathode (positiveelectrode, copper).

-   Slime: Whiteglue contains a polymer called PVA (Polyvinyl Acetate). Borax in water isionized allowing the cross-linking of the different PVA molecules.

In addition to this, another experiment, adapted fortoddlers, was conducted by ICCRAM-UBU teams so that the 3-years-old kids couldfilter the trash out of a hydrogel ball pool.